Thursday 24 April 2008

Diary 25.4.1883

Wednesday 25

Very wet morning we had to have our breakfast downstairs, porridge and tea and toast. I get the cook to toast for me I have to tip him to get it done. But I am very glad to say it has taken up fine again so we have had our dinner on deck, pork and tea and bread. We have made four fatty cakes this morning for our tea we cannot eat the bread without some meat on it, it is so very sour.You would laugh to see us all camping on deck with our plates and tins all on our knees and when we are just going to drink the vessel will go on one side and we spill it down on us, and our clothes are all covered with tar with sitting on the deck, we bought two buffits (could be buffets – lap trays or writing tables) in Glasgow but they are not much use they slip about with the rocking of the vessel. John Edwin is a deal better today I hope he will continue to do so. People keep saying I have plenty to do for him but I do not care if he was only well. I am kept going with Emmeline and him.

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