Monday 21 April 2008

Diary 22.4.1883

Sunday 22

48 miles a fine morning, John Edwin did not get up till dinner time then it began to rain we had to go below again. Emmeline is very cross this week she is not so well. I hope she will soon be better tempered because there is plenty of crying without her, there is such a lot of children.
They caught a shark today it was not such a big one, they killed it on deck and some of the men cooked the tail and were eating it but I would not taste it looked so nasty when they were killing it. We crossed the line on Saturday it is very hot and nearly all the children have what is called the Prickly Heat it is a kind of rash over their body. Emmeline has it but it has not got into her head. Some of them have had their hair cut off for it.

Sunday 22
Fine morning until about 10 o’clock then it began to rain and there was no service all day. John Edwin got up before dinner he is a deal better of himself but his mouth is very sore yet.

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