Saturday 18 May 2013

Dear photo

While I'm undertaking  iPad video photographing classes, I'm still thinking about 'now & then' still photos (even incorporating one in the video).
I came across an American version (Canadian/United States) in a published book - "Dear photograph" by Taylor Jones. Taylor documents how he naturally came upon the idea of superimposing an old photo, of his brother with a Winnie-the-Pooh birthday cake, against him sitting in the same chair years on, while looking through old family photo albums. Taylor uploaded the photo onto Tumblr, his blog, and then created a Dear Photograph Twitterfeed and Facebook page - and it went viral and really took off.
Dear Photograph, You're the only memory I have left of this. Luis
Then of course there had to be the Dear Photograph website and a book deal. The book was published in 2012. Here are just some from the book, all addressed to Dear Photograph -
Dear Photograph, Our lemonade wasn't a very big hit that day. Maybe we should have used real lemons instead of all that granulated stuff. Tyge
I know you are my ancestors, sitting there in front of the house I grew up in, where my family still lives today. Even though we have lived in different times and a generation or more apart, I somehow feel closely connected to you both. Gitte
Dear Photograph, It's been fifty years since I wore that snowsuit, and so much has changed. Yet in many ways, it feels like so little has. Just the way it should. Billy
As Time Magazine said "past and present blend into a new work of art". Oh yes it is a phenomenon.

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