Saturday 29 March 2008

Diary 30.3.1883

Friday 30

Both a little better, we have had the Doctor three times to see us and he has given us something, we have one tin of condensed milk and four eggs allowed every Thursday and Monday for Emmeline, the first thing we longed for when we were getting better of sickness was some of Mortimer’s home fed ham and eggs and some of mother’s tea, but I am very sorry to say we could not get them, we have had a week of sea sickness now, our bones are very sore with being in bed so long, we have only a flock mattress to lie on it is very hard.
We have not been undressed since we left home, but we shall have to change all on Sunday, we thought the bed might be damp so we would sleep in our clothes then we have been so sick since, we have had some dreadful weather we thought on Wednesday night we were going to be drowned, but I am very thankful to say that the Lord was with us and he bought us through this time.
I would not advise anyone to come on a sailing vessel.

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