Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Free MP3s

This is the final Thing in the Web2.1, and I’ve been attempting to finish it for months. When I first saw the title Websites that offer free MP3s, I thought wow! - free music, can’t wait. The Discovery Exercise, was to:
1. Go to one of the websites posted below.

2. Choose a song to download.
3. Transfer that song from the computer to your MP3 player .

I started accessing the sites, and spent ages flipping past heaps of music I either didn’t know or like, it wasn’t the Nirvana (pun intended) I thought, believe I’ll just save time and pay Mr Itunes the money.

Here are the sites, with my comments in red.

Amazon MP3 Store - The vast majority of the music at Amazon is for sale, but they do have a rotation of free tracks available for download. Only available to U.S. customers
AmieStreet.com - Focused on promoting new and independent music, their downloads range from free to $0.98 as they grow in popularity.All genres Afrobeat, experimental, lots of Hip hop

Archive.org - An enormous collection of public domain music, expired copyright tracks, as well as some free contemporary music.
Weird assortment of new “I want to kill everybody” to Margaret Woodrow Wilson (daughter of US Pressie) singing the “Star spangled banner” in 1915 from an old cylinder recording
ArtistServer.com - It started off as a resource for independent electronic musicians, but is now open to all. All tracks can be downloaded for free.

Kept locking up when attempting to stream songs
BeSonic.com - Offers over 13,000 free tracks from mostly European acts.

Is in German & wants email signin
BetterPropaganda.com - A music webzine covering hundreds of music labels, and offering thousands of free & legal songs for you to download.

Sends you to iMesh which wants to download it’s file
CCMixter.org - a site dedicated to music that you can download to remix and post your results, all under the Creative Commons license.
Cooltoad.com Gave up when it kept telling me my passwords didn’t match, even though I pasted the same one in both fields!
Download.com - Most people think CNet’s Download.com is just about software, but they also have tens of thousands of free MP3s you can download from new as well as up and coming bands.
Epitonic.com - A large selection of free tracks from smaller record companies that are free to download with larger releases available for purchase
It states its is “cutting edge” maybe that is why its genres are mainly Techno, and Rock only has Punk, Indie & Math Rock.
EZ-Tracks.com - Offers over 30,000 legal downloads that are managed through a partnership with the labels. Starts you off with credit for 101 free upon registering.
Need to look closely to see often not performed by the original artists
FreeAlbums.blogsome.com - A blog that posts reviews of complete albums that are available for free downloads from numerous sources.
Has a range of genres, and a range of download types. My choice linked to Jamendo (see below)
GarageBand.com - Independent bands can upload their music, then have it rated by users, as well as downloaded for free.
Imeem.com - Features streaming music from all of the major labels as well as numerous smaller companies, with numerous free downloadable tracks.
ItsFreeDownloads.com - Finding the free downloads on iTunes can be a chore, this site does the work for you and lets you know what’s free each week.
Wouldn’t open
Jamendo.com - Artists upload their albums under Creative Commons, allowing new listeners to discover their work. Although free, there is the opportunity to donate to the performers of your choice.
Last.fm - While most people know Last.fm for its streaming and social aspects, they offer a weekly chart of downloadable free mp3s. Loved Last.fm till they wanted me to pay.
Live Music Archive - Part of Archive.org, features thousands of live performances by smaller bands as well as the likes of the Grateful Dead and Jason Mraz.
MetalHordes.com - A band promotion site focusing on various forms of heavy metal, and allowing bands to upload mp3s users can download for free.
MP3.com - Besides their paid section, MP3.com does offer a large selection of free tracks from acts small and large alike.
MP3.com.au - Focusing on Australian bands, mp3.com.au offers a repository for bands to upload their music for people to download and try for free.
MP34U - Works in conjunction with Muzic.com, this site finds sources of free music & legal music from all over the Web.
MP3Raid.com - Searches multiple sources to bring you approximately a million free song downloads.
Muzic.com - A sister site to MP34U, wherein the artists upload their tracks themselves, and muzic.com helps them promote their work.
Music.download.com—click on “111,000 Free MP3s” at the top of the page
Purevolume.com - Allows independent musicians to set up profiles for themselves, stream their music and gives them the option of enabling their work for free downloads.
Ruckus.com - Ruckus provides free music to people with .edu email addresses, and requires you to renew your licenses for DRM once a year.
SoundClick.com - Offering a mixture of signed and unsigned artists the opportunity to set up profile pages and either stream their music or offer it up for free downloads.

- Major release albums and tracks available for the price of just watching some advertisements.
Stereogum.com - Daily free mp3s from various artists, as well as rotating free albums.
TuneShout.com - A site for independent artists to promote themselves. Artists can upload tracks either for free or at a user cost of $0.89.
We7.com - We7 offers mp3 downloads for free, but they do have advertisements attached to them. If you want them without the ads, they do offer a paid alternative.

So finally finished!!


  1. I know you do but sometimes I wonder if you actually have a life. Wot a list.

  2. Web 2.1 was one of my Objectives for my Annual Review so it was work.
