Sunday 3 May 2009

#58 Being Green

Going Green Matters, is a blog full of eco-friendly news, events and tips.
This exercise required checkin out Going Green and a couple of other eco sites and blogging about our favorite “green” idea, and sharing green tips (not Liptons tea).
I found this one via National Geographic's Green Guide
Going Green may mean fewer colds this season
One errant cough or unexpected sneeze and the workplace becomes a veritable breeding ground of illness and resulting absenteeism. As the flu season approaches, HR managers prepare to deal with the headache of decreasing productivity. The World Health Organisation estimates that the cost of influenza in the U.S. alone, of health care and lost productivity can range from $71-167 billion a year. Going green has proven a significant means to alleviate the negative effects of illness in the workplace It reduces the impact on natural resources, enhances worker comfort and health, and minimises strain on the infrastructure while improving the bottom line. It is also an inexpensive, effective way to improve the overall health of a building. Cleaning products can contribute to indoor air quality problems as volatile organic compounds evaporate and are circulated through the building's ventilation system. Indoor air is often several times more contaminated than outdoor air.

So in this current Swine Flu environment just need to send the snifflers home and get the cleaners to get rid of the pongy chemical smells in favour of clean green products.


  1. I do like the look of that cough mixture!

  2. Thought you'd be more interested in ridding us of the petro-chemicals in the cleaning cupboard not gargling dimetapp

  3. Just so long as they have MSDS I don't mind what is there!
